Wednesday, December 16, 2009

iMAGE assignment !



The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings. From my point of
view, love is all about connection. These connection can be between a
person, a place, a pet, possession, or another person. The reason that I took
this photograph was because of the way the lady put her hands behind the
man’s back. First, when I saw this couple I think this couple might have been
together for many years. However, although there are old their love doesn’t
seem to grow old. In my opinion, love doesn’t have to get weaker when
people grow older.

Hate is an intense feeling of dislike. It may occur in a wide variety of
contexts. Hatred is a very strong negative emotion, we can hate almost
anything. Although it usually mean another person. Often we are not able to
show hatred directly to the person we hate. Instead I tried to show hatred an
indirect way. My Idea came up with using a voo-doo doll.

After I tried to find an inspiration for the word ‘strong’. In my point of
view, strong means something that very solid, reliable and steady. Something
that we can depend on it. My idea came up about materials that make me feel
really heavy and look so strong when they combine with other materials. The
final idea was the picture of the structure of the Eiffel tower in Paris, France.


In my photograph, I wanted tolook at another meaning of the word ‘corrupt’. This meaning is less commonbut it is still connected to the other meaning I have been talking about. This
second meaning is about physical decomposition or rotting. I heard this
meaning of the word being used in some funeral ceremonies. In these
ceremonies the priest said that the body would be corrupted in the earth but
that the dead person’s spirit would not and that it would live on. In this
photograph, the whole graveyard seems to be rotting and corrupting just like
the bodies that lie underneath the ground. The writing on the stones is fading
and they are falling over into the ground.

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